Anna Zinchuk
Anna joined the team at the David Black Literary Agency in spring of 2022 to assist David Black. She holds a BA degree in Film Studies from the University of Iowa, and prior to joining DBA she worked as a project editor for a college-level publisher. In her spare time she enjoys going on hot girl walks through the city and complaining about the constant humidity (even though she was raised in the midwest where it is always humid).
Anna is interested exclusively in fiction – both literary and speculative, especially when either includes a touch of romance (though that’s not always necessary). In literary fiction, her preferences lean towards coming-of-age adult narratives and contemplative stories – especially when the ending is melancholic or ambiguous. In speculative fiction she is drawn towards fantastical adventures and magic. She loves WHERE THE DARK STANDS STILL by A.B. Poranek and the RANGER’S APPRENTICE series by John Flanagan.
In any story, Anna appreciates clever writing that is infused with humor. While embracing both YA and adult fiction, her specific interest lies in the 'new adult' sub-genre, which seamlessly combines plot elements of YA fiction with the maturity of adult storytelling.
Please note that Anna does not represent nonfiction (including memoir and poetry), middle grade or children's literature, religious fiction, paranormal fiction, or horror.
Anna is currently not accepting new queries.